
the business

Cally Dale Design wasn’t born from a multi-page business plan. Rather, it was crafted through opportunity. Each one leading to the next, offering valuable lessons and perspectives in return. All the while, nudging me closer + closer to an idea would not only allow me to manifest my vision, but to do the same for others.

The result is a creative studio based in Austin, Texas focused on crafting authentic brands and packaging for passionate business owners - just like you (!!) to ensure your vision comes to life in way that ignites the very soul & spirit of your ideal customer.

the artist

I was raised in a small, Eastern Washington town where the crossing guard knew my name , who my parents were, and likely what part of town I lived in. The dynamic was small, close-knit and casual. My parents raised me and my little sister to develop characters that value simple joys in life. For me, it looks a lot like a sunny day by the river, a campfire surrounded by good company, or a bit of space to create something beautiful.

My enthusiasm for design started when I was very young, but the realization of it as a viable career choice came much later. To be exact, after my first year of undergrad. I eventually found my way into an interior design and architecture program, and immediately felt right at home. I was so committed to finding a job in that field — but come graduation, I had zero offers.

So, my outlook was forced to broaden a bit. And boy am I glad for it —because it’s the whole reason i’m sitting in this chair today. I ended up taking a job in sales for a beloved family winery in my hometown. It wasn’t long until my sales role transformed into a full-fledged graphic design position. Turns out, if you work hard and show your strengths, something fruitful is bound to grow!



the credits

I have much love for the people who’ve helped me along my way. All the things mentioned above this line wouldn’t have been possible without these folks:

  • a husband who shares my enthusiasm for growth and cheers me on as I go for it.

  • a family who’s never doubted that this line of work is my true calling.

  • friends who never let me forget that I CAN do this.

  • and everyone who’s helped me see a new perspective.

Y’all are truly wonderful people. Thank you endlessly.


 ignite soul & spirit


